If you have a showreel video on Youtube or Vimeo you can add a video it to your Piloroo profile page. It’s easy.


Copy the video URL

Open a new web browser window and browse to your showreel on Youtube or Vimeo. Copy the URL of the video straight out of the browser. The URL can take different formats, such as the following which are all URLs for the same video

Paste the video URL

Log into your Piloroo profile page:

  • log in to Piloroo,
  • select Edit profiles and
  • select the profile you wish to add the video to.

Scroll down the page until you see the section Showreel video. 

Paste in the video URL you just copied. It will look something like this:

add video to piloroo profile

Finally, scroll to the very bottom of the page and click Save. That’s it.

(A Piloroo moderator will check and approve the video).


in Creating a Profile

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